Colne Gala: Colne FC scoop Second Prize



Colne Footall Club scooped second prize in Colne Gala 2018 for their entry in Class 2 (Voluntary, Religious & Education).

They certainly delivered a very colourful and lively float!  Don’t forget Matthew Kibble Transport though – they support the Gala through the loan of their wagons.

But, it’s always nice to see Colne F.C. getting right down to the bottom of things.  They even sneaked in a bit of support for the England team ahead of their game with Panama on Sunday 24th June in the Fifa World Cup!

More photo’s of Colne FC in the Gala 2018:

Colne Gala: Colne FC

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About Naz Alam 293 Articles
Naz is well known in the local community as a photo journalist. He is group creator for 'Colne Talk' - a Facebook Community Group which has approx 20K members. He also runs multiple Facebook pages for the local community & local business, such as 'Visit Colne'.