Pendle Artists – 51st Annual Exhibition
A wide range of material from our local artists is currently on display at Barrowford Heritage Centre. Displays include framed originals, ceramics, cards, prints, sketches and unframed paintings. Their special guests for this year are Ribble Urban Sketchers and their work is displayed in the gallery alongside our Pendle Artists.
The Pendle Artists 51st Annual Exhibition was officially opened on Mon 1st April (7 pm) at Barrowford Heritage Centre and is open daily from 11 am – 4pm until Sun 14th April.
Opening Day
The opening day was quite busy and we took some photo’s of the crowd and speech … but failed to check that we had an SD card in our cameras! Rookie mistake! So, we had to go round again and re-capture some of the atmosphere!
Artist: Diane Muldowney
Here we have artist Diane Muldowney with two of he paintings depicting steam trains in the local area. We’ve seen Diane at a few local events, the last time being at ‘Painting Padiham’ in 2018. She was hidden away down some back streets but we managed to track her down – she painted a picture of the church at the top of the town. Also shown: her view of the church and the resulting painting. (Painting Padiham is a time limited painting event and artists have to do whatever they can in the allotted time!)
Artists: Colin Morgan & Carol Hayman
‘Landscape with hay barn’ (Colin Morgan) and ‘Bridge over troubled waters’ (Carol Hayman).
Ribble Urban Sketchers etc
Contact Details
Pendle Artists
Website: http://www.pendleartists.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pendleartists/
Ribble Urban Sketchers
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