A big thank you and a Merry Christmas to our Royal Mail Staff
Many thanks to our Royal Mail staff all their hard work over the year. The Pendle MPU / Delivery Office staff have worked extra hard work recently with the various festive parcels, cards and also the election material.
Let’s face it, there has been some seriously dire weather recently and they’ve pulled out the stops out to ensure that they help to deliver a fantastic Christmas for everyone in the Colne and Pendle area. Their efforts are always appreciated over the Christmas period – but to be fair, they battle with the elements and all sorts of issues to deliver this service all year round.
Whilst we’re on the subject, a weeks or so ago we randomly bumped into one of postie’s at work on Alkincoats Road. (We were there to photograph the old Co-op building on Alkincoats Road and then to cover the Christmas Charity Thank-you Meal at The Pavilion Cafe). A picture was taken, but not used at the time … just added to our collection of local photo’s.
Meet Angel … heart of gold, always smiling and well known locally. We can just picture her when she sees this photo … hands on hips, the typical Angel eyes-wide-open stare, “you could’ve used a better picture!”.
Many thanks to Johnny Walker (union rep of Pendle MPU / DO), for permission to use his photo and his kind words. Now Johnny won’t shout it from the rooftops, but he’s a little star himself. He’s raised many thousands for charities and we often see him doing all sorts of kind acts of kindness. If we’re lucky, we’ll have made him blush … ?On behalf of our local community, we thank you all and wish you a very Merry Christmas. Well, not too Merry … we need you at work soon. 😉
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