Marks & Spencers (Burnley) raised over £6,773.39 for their Charity of the Year – the Lancashire & South Cumbria MND Care & Research Centre charity.
The amount was raised over a year by M&S staff by fundraising activities by such as bag packing and raffles. Here you see staff from M&S presenting a cheque to Julie Sala, who received it on behalf of the Motor Neurone Disease charity setup by Lancashire & South Cumbria MND Care & Research Centre.
Motor Neurone Disease – Fundraising
Julie was as one of our Colne & District Nurses, but now works in at the Royal Preston Hospital as part of their MND Care Team . She may now be working away from Colne, but this simply means that we have to travel a little to make sure that we continue to help her & her team with their great work.
So you’re wondering what the significance of the Deadpool character (Jack Walsh) is? Jack is part of team at M&S and has consistently given up his free time to support fundraising activities. In the photos above, he’s sporting his new, cooler cosplay suit … but on the last fundraiser – which was a walk from Preston to Burnley – he was wearing a PVC suit which no doubt made him extremely hot!).
Here’s Jack again at the MND Raffle fundraiser in Burnley in July 2018 with some local children and on a ‘rest’ at during the MND fundraising walk in from Preston to Burnley – pictured with Blackburn NHS staff.
For more information about the Lancashire & South Cumbria MND Care & Research Centre charity, please contact:-
Julie Sala or Pauline Callagher on 01772 522545
Follow them on twitter: @PrestonMnd .
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