New Food Bank – St John’s Methodist Church, Colne
In partnership with Church on the Street Ministries food bank, the Burnley and Pendle Methodist circuit are appealing to the community to bring food donations to local collection points. These collection points will be open weekly, starting Monday 6th April 2020.
Your local collection point is: St John’s Methodist Church, Colne. Thursdays 10am – 12pm.
(Donations can be left inside the entrance off Exchange street, please follow social distancing advice)
If you are able to donate food, please bring items that you would happily eat yourself and check that all donations are within the use by date. The Trussell Trust recommends the following types of food for donations:
A typical food parcel includes:-
• Cereal
• Soup
• Pasta
• Rice
• Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce
• Lentils, beans and pulses
• Tinned meat
• Tinned vegetables
• Tea/coffee
• Tinned fruit
• Biscuits
• UHT milk
• Fruit juice
Many food banks also provide essential non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products.
The donations will need to be packaged, so if you can bring donations in carrier bags that would be helpful, or if you have spare carrier bags that you can bring that would help also.
If you are unable to get out to bring food donations, but still wish to support this important work you can make a financial donation to Church on the Street Ministries (reg charity #1187927) here:-
Account name: Church on the Street Ministries
Bank: HSBC
Sort code: 40 15 17
Account Number: 42139804
Please spread the word to people who you know in the community who might be able to help. Your support in feeding the hungry is essential at this time. Thank you for your support and please keep Church on the Street Ministries, and all of those who are working hard to feed the hungry throughout this crisis, in your thoughts and prayers.
If you or any one you know is in need of a food parcel, you can contact Church on the Street Ministries as follows:
Simply text “Food Parcel” and your address to 07582776574 and a food parcel will be delivered to your home as soon as is possible.
May God bless and keep you during this time.
Kathryn Lamport.
Lay pastor, St John’s Methodist Church Colne.
A little bit of background
We first met Kathryn when she rocked up at Eadie’s Kitchen to check out what was going on at one of The Natter Shack Scheme meetings. Of course, for us, “meeting” can read “breakfast meeting”. We exchanged ideas and within a few weeks, we were invited to visit St. John’s Church. We had a lovely tour, met many of the volunteers there and turned up for food at their community lunches. We’ve been helping connect the relevant people to ensure the most effective results in the community.
Kathryn also decided to setup a Natter Shack venue herself and it was gaining popularity … and then Covid-19 came along …
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