PPE Maskateers – Deliver over 220 face masks to local care homes

PPE Maskateers – Deliver over 220 face masks to local care homes

Today, the PPE Maskateers have distributed approx 220 face masks to over ten local care homes and also Pendleside Hospice. With supplies of official pensonal protective equipment (PPE) running at very low levels, this is a very welcome and much needed service.  After all, the first line workers are not just workers, they’re our families and our community. Can you help? If you can sew, have sewing machine or would just like to help then please get in touch with the PPE Maskateers (they also supply starter packs and safely co-ordinate logistics).

PPE Maskateers 
For a group that has only been operation for a few days, that’s an outstanding achievement! News about the group is spreading very quickly and volunteers are joining on a daily basis. Indeed, the group has attracted help from outside our local area and as far away as Leeds. Care homes further afield are also starting to hear and the group has requests from Keighley too.

Volunteers are welcomed into the WhatsApp group and people sewing are provided with a ‘starter pack’ and a sample face mask as an example.

Union Cabs are providing resources for delivery, collection, storage and distribution of materials and the finished products. They are assisted by a number of volunteers wherever necessary.

Where were the masks delivered?

Get in touch with the PPE Maskateers
If you need a supply of protective masks, or would like to help, then please get in touch with the PPE Maskateers. Please  be aware that first line workers at risk are being prioritised at this stage. 

Tel: 07830 529 289.

Other points of contact are Dorothy Lord or Sajid Ali.
Feel free to email us at info@colnetalk.co.uk and we will happily pass on your requests.


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About Naz Alam 293 Articles
Naz is well known in the local community as a photo journalist. He is group creator for 'Colne Talk' - a Facebook Community Group which has approx 20K members. He also runs multiple Facebook pages for the local community & local business, such as 'Visit Colne'.