Ahead of Remembrance Sunday, we had a stroll around Colne … starting at The Crown Hotel, up Albert Road up to The Union Exchange & Commercial Hotel round by the Fire Station & West Street School and back down Albert Road.
Wondering why we started at The Crown Hotel? Well, that is the regular meeting place for the Colne Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club. Of course, all the fantastic breakfast meets have completely gone to pot during the Covid restrictions … but their members keep in touch using their private Facebook group.
Remembrance in Colne 2020
Remembrance in Colne in 2020, during a tier 3 lock-down under the Covid restrictions is going to be a very, very different affair to normal. The usual procession and service at the Cenotaph will not be going ahead and crowds at the Cenotaph are a no-no.
Instead, Colne Town Council are offering a pre-recorded “online” event and we have done our best to furnish them with our materials to assist them in this task. This will be posted on their website at 10:50 on Sunday 8th November 2020. It would have been nice to do a Live Facebook stream directly on Colne Talk, but we don’t have the video so that’s out of the question now. As usual, we will be locking down the Colne Talk Facebook group from 11 am to cover the 2 minutes silence.
Colne Cenotaph
Lovely drawing on the pavement in front of the Colne Cenotaph. At the time we visited (early morning), the only wreath was from the Mayor of Pendle.
Colne Parish Church
Lovely knitted display of poppies attached to a cross in the grounds of Colne Parish Church. I believe this was made by the members of the Knit & Natter group.
Glasshouse (in front of Colne Indoor Market)
A fabulous display from Park Primary School on Remembrance, Our Planet and a tree showing their values. This was a bit of a struggle to capture at the time, as the Glasshouse windows were full of condensation. There was a couple of people sat on one of the benches too, which meant that we couldn’t approach to grab a picture of the “Our planet/world” display.
Shops and buildings around town
Large event poppies have been attached to lamp posts throughout Colne … here are a few of them. Full window display from Manor Property Letting Agents.
Spotted these displays in a window … unfortunately, window reflections often made sure that a full photo wasn’t possible) … anyone care to tell us where these can be found?
Colne Fire Service
The fire crews on duty were busy cleaning the Fire appliances and practising deploying ladder sets round the back of the station. (Only caught a glimpse whilst walking by..) A little bit of history …
Since there are no Remembrance events as such (except the online offering), you may wish to have a look at our Remembrance tribute story.
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