Easter in Colne – Sat 20th April 2019
The Easter in Colne event always attracts a great level of support from the local community. It’s one of the first major events of the year and tends to kick start the events timetable. This year, attendance was no doubt boosted by the excellent weather over the bank holiday weekend!
Engaging the Community
You would be forgiven if you thought that the ‘Easter in Colne’ event was solely confined to the proceedings on the day in the town centre. However, that would be a serious under estimation of the scope of the event. It engages a large part of the local community … literally thousands of children from our local schools participate in the Children’s Easter Egg Decorating Competition and many local shops create a shop window display for the themed Easter shop frontage competition.
On the day itself, the event included an Easter Egg Hunt, various activities at Colne Library (arts, crafts, face painting and a display of 1000’s of decorated Easter eggs), outdoor market stalls and entertainment from the Barnoldswick Brass Band, Oakenhoof cloggers and the Helen Green Academy of Dance.
Easter at Colne Library
Colne Library participated in the ‘Easter in Colne’ event and was host to various children’s activities (such as crafts and colouring), face painting and a display of 1000+ decorated pictures of Easter Eggs. Of course, there’s always the opportunity to read a book or two … or just have a snooze!
Street Life
Local life around Colne looked like this …
As well as the usual free donkey rides and children’s rides, there was plenty of street entertainment from the Barnoldswick Brass Band, Okenhoof Cloggers and our very own Helen Green Dance Academy.
Easter Market
Some of the stalls on the Easter Market on Parliament Street car park.
Other Easter Goodies
There were a number of other mini events & activities that were not strictly part of the ‘Easter in Colne’ event itself – but, nevertheless, integrated perfectly with the overall activities. Easter activities at Colne Parish Church included free children’s colouring, an African drumming band outside the Church and tours of the Church tower itself. A little bit further out, Nisa on Skipton Road had a display of lovely coloured Easter Eggs as part of their own decorating competition.
Read more about the ‘Easter in Colne‘ event:-
Easter in Colne – Event Day
Easter in Colne – Easter Egg Hunt
Easter in Colne – Themed Shop Displays
Easter in Colne – Children’s Easter Egg Decorating Competition
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